
Our Oregon is dedicated to fighting for economic and social justice for all Oregonians. Our coalition represents organizations and individuals who care about a range of issues, including increasing funding for our schools and critical services; fighting for equity and justice; protecting our environment; and expanding access to democracy.

Our accomplishments start with defeating Bill Sizemore’s destructive anti-school, anti-worker, and anti-service ballot measures. In response to the Great Recession, we led the unprecedented coalition that helped pass Measures 66 & 67 to fund schools and services. In November 2012, we successfully reformed the corporate kicker tax loophole and instead re-directed millions of dollars to education and defeated a proposed tax break for millionaires. Currently, we are working to increase corporate tax transparency and hold businesses accountable for their fair share in taxes so that we can reverse decades of disinvestment in our schools and services.

We hope you’ll find this site to be a valuable resource for research, news, and action on Oregon’s most pressing issues. We’d love to hear from you—email us at info@ouroregon.org with your thoughts or questions.

For information about current job openings at Our Oregon, please check our employment page. 

Our Oregon Staff

Michele Ruffin, Executive Director


Christy Mason, Deputy Director


Kelsey Paden, Data Director
